Saturday, October 27, 2007

TED Talk Thomas Barnett: The Pentagon's new map for war peace

I agree with his statement that we are great at the warfare part and we as a nation do a terrible job on the rest. However I firmly believe that no matter what resources and what dedication we may have, we will never be able to turn Iraq or any other nation into a democratic and free country using our resources. If you look into history you see countless revolutions that do have success. Our own nation started as a result of our American resolution. Why do these revolutions work and Iraq fails? In Iraq we lack the support of the people. The people did not start the take over and do not carry the motivation like those before them. If anything we've lost the support of the people. It doesn't matter how many troops or how quickly you take over the country. Unless the people of that nation stand up on their own and fight on there own, with there own values, we will never see a successful revolution. Our government should have waited until after Iraq citizens rebelled on their own before flooding in. They have to want freedom so bad that they are willing to give their lives to get it, this is the only way a war in Iraq or any country for that matter, that the revolution would work. I don't agree with much of what Thomas Barnett says. He overcomplicates and comes up with this elaborate idea of how we can improve our war effort. Its easy to point out the flaws in our approach, but a lot harder to find something better that can be "reasonably" done.

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